Com. G.B. "Jack" Zanazzo is a famous test pilot here in Italy. He has an incredible curriculum and experience- just to mention one he was the leader of italian air force aerobatic team "freccie tricolori" -, and tested many airplanes, including several Frati's prototypes. He has been really kind to offer himself as test pilot for I-ALDI. He's really professional in his work and the experience and the knowledge he has in this field makes really the difference.He inspected the airplane carefully, and then ..ready to go!

He also wrote a very interesting book about testing general aviation airplane: Il collaudo dei Velivoli leggeri e ultralleggeri.



The First flight is really a big and important task in the construction of the airplane. Even if i don't believe it is the last one, it opens a new world, the flying one. We were very concentrated for the event but we wanted to share this moment with the good friends we have. We invited around 20 persons, and at the end they brought family and frineds and we were nearly 100... It was really nice. The boy in the picture is Tommy, the son of Tim Cooper, who has helped us in the early stages of construction.




Inspecting the main landing gear with Tommy.




A picture with two great "falchisti" Giorgio Fogliani and Adriano Ferrari




After all the inspections we were ready to start the engine. Everyone is looking waiting for the big moment.My father Luigi was really concentrated and Jack too.